SINGAPORE: A friend of a domestic helper in Singapore recently came forward online asking for advice in a domestic workers’ working conditions forum on Monday (Feb 5).

According to the post, the maid, who has been working for her employer for over a year, claims that her boss is “always late to give her salary.” Furthermore, the post claimed, “Until recently, she never got her pay for two months.”

“She asked her agency for help but her agency told her to ask her boss. She asked her boss and her boss (said) ‘still trying.’ Should she ask (the Ministry of Manpower) for help? Her agency (said) to get out of the employer’s house and stay at the agency’s place. But what if her boss never gives her salary if she’s out of the house? Any advice will be help(full).”

Many online users urged the helper to take the issue to the Ministry of Manpower.

Ministry of Manpower on paying Foreign Domestic Workers

According to MOM, foreign domestic workers (FDW) must be paid by their employers every month. Furthermore, their salary must not be lower than their employers declared to the Ministry.

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As for specifics on when employers should pay FDWs, on its site, MOM states, “You must pay your FDW her salary every month, no later than 7 days after the last day of the salary period. The salary period must not exceed one month.”

Many online users responded to the post, with some empathising with the domestic worker and others strongly urging her to go straight to the MOM.

Outrage over the delay of FDW’s salary release 

“You’re not supposed to worry about not getting the salary,” said one. “Remember, this is Singapore, just seek help from the police and they’ll be the ones to investigate and help that helpless fellow helper to get her salary.”

“OMG! Should be reported to MOM immediately,” said another. “Irresponsible employer! She didn’t follow in contract rules.”

“OMG two months?” a third wrote. “So ridiculous. Call the MOM since the agency can’t help her then no choice working without a salary omg they think the service is free.”

Somewhere in the comments section, the post’s author thanked people for their advice and shared an update, saying, “She will go to MOM tomorrow.”