Mr Lee Hsien Yang has cleared the air about 38 Oxley Pte Ltd. A Facebook page some claim is the internet brigade of the People’s Action Party (PAP), was the first to suggest that Mr Lee registered the company to profit from the redevelopment of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s house at 38 Oxley Road. The post is no longer viewable on their Facebook.
Another Facebook group who have been described as ‘rabid fans’ of the PAP also made similar accusations.
Mr Lee said today that bis brother, Lee Hsien Loong, incorporated the holding company for the property at 38 Oxley Road and then sold him the company as part of PM Lee’s settlement with Lee Kuan Yew’s estate. He shared an ACRA bizfile with his post.
Earlier today, Mr Lee’s older sister defended her younger brother against allegations by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made in Parliament that his brother approached him and wanted in on his offer to sell 38 Oxley Road to Dr Lee for $1.00. She reiterated that neither she nor Lee Hsien Yang planned to profit from plans made for 38 Oxley Road.
She also rebutted rebutting another claim made by her elder brother, that the late Lee Kuan Yew preferred to sell their family home and donate the proceeds to charity.
The PAP meanwhile has shared Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong’s opinion as expressed in Parliament today that Lee Hsien Yang’s goal is to bring down PM Lee.
ESM Goh in his speech questioned the agenda of PM Lee’s siblings and said:
“The dispute over 38 Oxley Road is only a fig leaf for the deep cracks within the family, cracks which perhaps started decades ago… Are they whistleblowing in a noble effort to save Singapore, or waging a personal vendetta without any care for the damage done to Singapore?
I have kept my ears open. From what Lee Hsien Yang and his wife are freely telling many others, it is clear that their goal is to bring Lee Hsien Loong down as PM, regardless of the huge collateral damage suffered by the Government and Singaporeans.
It is now no more a cynical parlour game. If the Lee siblings choose to squander the good name and legacy of Lee Kuan Yew, and tear their relationship apart, it is tragic but a private family affair. But if in the process of their self-destruction, they destroy Singapore too, that is a public affair. We cannot, and will not, allow ourselves to be manipulated as pawns.”