Dear Editor,

Editor’s note: We do not condone this action nor do we encourage that you take matters into your own hands. The best thing to do is to refer this matter to the authorities and do seek the help of your MP to resolve the dispute.

I refer to the article, HDB: ‘Really can go mental staying under crazy neighbour’ who bangs floor at 4am by Hana O.

My upstairs noisy neighbour uses a chilli pounder so loud until my sick mother can’t sleep well. As mentioned by one writer, if a complaint is made to the police, they’ll refer you to HDB, NEA or town council’s, and in the end, nothing is done to solve the problem.

So what I did was pour urine onto the neighbour’s house. The nonsense stopped immediately. It is an offence, but what else can I do?

The problem can be solved by town councils easily if they put the right person in charge.


The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore. /TISG