Singapore — The high demand for particular medical supplies, including hand sanitisers, masks, thermometers and protective gear, has prompted the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to update its policies on their import into Singapore.

While the HSA does not require hand sanitisers to be approved before they are imported, it is helping facilitate the entry of masks, thermometers and protective gear for medical professionals. These items include surgical masks, particulate respirators, thermometers for measuring human body temperature and any protective gear for medical professionals.

For more information on other topical antiseptics such as hygienic hand rubs or sanitisers, you may check this link:

Importers of the abovementioned medical devices will no longer need an Importer’s Licence from HSA. They just need to notify it with detailed information on the quality and brand of their devices. Importers will also need to have proper sales and distribution records using the template provided by HSA, which can be found on its website and below. This is to ensure that any products or medical devices brought into Singapore are not considered sub-standard.

Below are the HSA guidelines for the import of medical devices for both personal or commercial use:

Import Guidelines for Personal Use (By an individual and / or family members)

Importers that are bringing in masks or thermometers for personal use do not need to submit any notification to the HSA as long as they follow the quantities designated below:

Surgical Masks: 3 boxes (3 x 50 pieces) per person

Particulate Respirators: 8 boxes (8 x 20 pieces) per person

Thermometers: 2 units per person

Should importers exceed the allowed quantity listed above, they will need to submit a notification to HSA by using the form provided in the URL below:

Photo: Screenshot


Import Guidelines for Commercial Use and/or Other Purposes (Not for personal use)

Importers bringing in items like masks, thermometers and/or protective gear for medical professionals for commercial use or other purposes such as workplaces or for donation,  must fill out the HSA notification form provided in the URL below:

Photo: Screenshot


As stated above, importers are also required to keep distribution records for their medical devices by filling out the template in the link provided below so they can be submitted when required by the HSA.

2020 distribution records template13 KB