A large group of Indian migrant workers who were intensely dancing at what appears to be the Singapore Expo COVID-19 community care facility were joined by individuals believed to be healthcare workers, according to a TikTok video posted by user @mpjs1625.
The video, which was reposted on Facebook by Kavena Meyyan this morning (27 Aug), shows a group of Indian migrant workers dancing to a Tamil folk song, while they are surrounded by onlookers. Several individuals wearing full protective gear can be seen dancing intensely with the migrant workers, in the middle of the floor.
It is unclear when the incident took place. Indicating that the incident occurred at the Singapore Expo, Kavena Meyyan captioned her post: “??? #Expo #COVID19 #SG”
Some observers also pointed out that the rooms in the facility that was captured in the video have the same black curtains and blue room markers that were seen in other photos of the Singapore Expo community care facility.
The Singapore Government decided to convert certain public spaces – like the Singapore Expo – into community care facilities to curb the spread of COVID-19 infection among the young who have no underlying conditions and to free up precious hospital space for those who require more intensive care.
The Expo facility, in particular, can house 8,000 patients at one time. The patients at the Expo facility are those who either only experience mild symptoms or are near complete recovery.
Low-risk patients are isolated and cared for in such facilities since they may still be infectious even if they feel better – they may return to their residences once they are cleared of the virus.