Several Twitter users have posted videos and pictures of the return of haze to Singapore.

Some Twitter users advised Pokemon hunters to stay indoors.

While others suggested that it may still be alright to do so.

The National Environment Agency Tweeted that the 24-hour PSI reading for haze is in the moderate range of 52 – 70. On its website the government agency said that the 3-hour PSI is 129.

Several other Twitter users refused to believe NEA’s update of the haze in Singapore.

NEA in a press release issued at 11.50am said:

“A burning smell and slight haze were experienced over many areas in Singapore this morning. The haze is likely to have been blown in by westerly winds over Singapore. As at 11am today, the 24-hr PSI was 52-70, in the Moderate range, and the 1-hr PM2.5 was 47 – 181µg/m3, in Band I – III (Normal – High).

A total of three hotspots were detected in central Sumatra yesterday. The low hotspot count was due to cloudy conditions. Localised smoke plumes were visible from the hotspots. The latest satellite image this morning shows some hotspots are still observed in central Sumatra.

For the rest of today, the prevailing winds are fluctuating and are expected to blow from the west or southwest. Partly cloudy conditions are forecast over Singapore. The 1-hr PM2.5 concentration over the next 6-12 hours is expected to remain in Band III (High) and Band II (Elevated) ranges. Overall, the PSI reading over the next 12 hours is forecast to be in the high end of the Moderate range. An updated forecast will be given in the afternoon.

The health impact of haze is dependent on one’s health status, the PSI level, and the length and intensity of outdoor activity. Reducing outdoor activities and physical exertion can help limit the ill effects from haze exposure. Given the air quality forecast for the next 24 hours, everyone can continue with normal activities. Persons who are not feeling well, especially the elderly and children, and those with chronic heart or lung conditions, should seek medical attention.”

NEA further advised netizens to visit its haze microsite to get further updates on the haze situation here.