Singapore – A video has been circulating online of a GrabFood rider placing an order on the floor while adjusting the other items in his bag. However, what he did has been deemed acceptable by those commenting on the post. It was the comment of the person who posted it, saying that the floor had Covid-19, that received much flak.

On Friday (May 8), someone calling himself “Curry Ray Pratas” posted a video on Facebook criticising a GrabFood rider for placing an order on the floor as he rearranged the other items in his bag.

“What is the rider thinking putting customer’s food on the road floor,” wrote “Pratas”. “Even if there is plastic covering, it is still dirty. What if the road has the Covid-19 virus and it stays on the plastic bag, and the customer happened to touch it?” he asked.

“Pratas”, who also seemed to be a food delivery rider, appeared to hint that the other person should not pick up so many orders if they could not be carried in his bag.

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Those commenting on the post backed the GrabFood rider.

Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

Many considered it acceptable because the rider really had no other place to put it.


Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas
Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

A few of those who responded to the post criticised the comments by “Pratas”, particularly the possibility of the virus being present on the floor. “Some people eat plastic bags mah,” said one sarcastically.

Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas
Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

Others mentioned that frequent sanitising and hand washing should eliminate the risks of virus contamination, especially before a meal.

Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas
Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

There were those who wondered why “Pratas” recorded the incident instead of helping the rider.

Photo: FB screengrab / Curry Ray Pratas

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Many back call to be nice to GrabFood riders who may be slightly late