Despite her departure from the Singapore People’s Party (SPP), opposition politician Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, still questioned why the gathering of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) was not revealed as soon as it was formed.

She wrote, “the Elections Department also revealed that the EBRC had in fact been formed “last month” i.e. sometime in Aug 2019.

Why wasn’t the EBRC’s formation announced as soon as it was formed, but instead its formation was only disclosed in the month after it was formed?”

Similarly, she noted that during the General Elections in 2015, it was only in response to a question in Parliament that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong disclosed on 13 July 2015 that the EBRC had actually been formed two months prior.

She wrote that while under Singapore’s electoral rules, there exists no requirement for an announcement to be made when the EBRC is formed, “Perhaps there should be such a requirement, given the paramount importance of GE and the public’s keen interest in and anticipation of the next GE”.

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Chong-Aruldoss also wrote that “In the interest of free and fair elections” the formation of the ERBC should be announced immediately, instead of the information only being privy to the incumbents.

Chong-Aruldoss’ announcement of her departure from the SPP came on the same day that the party indicated that its secretary-general, 84-year-old Chiam See Tong, may step down to make way for new blood.

The SPP intends to initiate leadership renewal in its upcoming internal elections, that will take place in mid-October. Two currently touted as front-runners for the position of Secretary-general are Jose Raymond and Steve Chia. /TISG[0]=68.ARCzx5fAC_WKO7N4UC1–CkkcSTgKZi9Tf-5LfnIYBP0Oxo61kruwgXehP2nNGEotHZmKHwmt6hSBs52MU0rsDRfG1x29trJQP9BV4RSCKz-nEljEQGwyQLrOy-EmAKTExY8NeGzrtgZx_b62-QKCVCPqFr9xxwIiNUTNrSEmvO9l7OVP6Ch1qfUM4VWSJyPeQFkDn7m2HPe67tq-3o8JhH8aJupsoF32Uxb_AoBqDn0qS9WoCsNnbvFylxsu9wYoZhDKUiENU6gjDVzIiHmgSIeE2WxwnWeguTidIt0uEkn-eS5AUxLY6hzvejl0jB8ofcPWcV3kelWWFISx3mM05TcoA&__tn__=-R


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