A pilot who used to work for Singapore Airlines has been found guilty of two offences under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

29 year-old Fazli Hisham Mohd Fairuz Shah shared a photograph of a dead maid in a WhatsApp group after it was sent to him by his paramedic girlfriend.

According to a Straits Times report, he was convicted on Monday, August 26, following a trial.

His girlfriend who sent him the photo, Nurizzah Afiqah Hussain, was working for private ambulance operator Unistrong Technology at the time. Last August, she pleaded guilty to two OSA-related offences and was fined $3,000.

Nurizzah Afiqah Hussain was attending to an emergency on Feb 1 in 2017. The ambulance driver with her, Shaik Haziq Fahmi Shaik Nasair Johar, took a photo of the woman and shared it in a WhatsApp group called STN21.

Nurizzah, who was part of the group, then forwarded it to her boyfriend. Fazli then shared the photo amongst a group of friends and acquaintances, along with a photo of a document which stated “Maid hung (sic) herself on the fan”.

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Some of those in the group even uploaded the photos onto social media before the police were alerted.

Nurizzah and Haziq are no longer working for Unistrong Technology.

Fazli is now out on bail of $5,000 and is due back in court on Sept 2.

For each charge of the offence, Fazli could be jailed for up to two years and fined up to $2,000.