Remember the angry Ferrari driver who stopped her car in the middle of busy Orchard Road to confront the driver of a tour bus who had honked at her? If you don’t this is where you can read about it:

The woman who stopped her luxury car right smack in the middle of the road without consideration for other road user, just because a tour bus driver honked at her for turning very slowly at a junction, has done a lot worse.

The Straits Times identified the luxury car driver as 71-year-old woman, Shi Ka Yi. She is facing five charges in Court which are unrelated to the incident at Orchard Road on 30 June.

Shi’s neighbours Nasrat Lucas Muyazzin and his wife sued her for a dispute regarding the overhanging branches of the tree on her property.

The Court heard that on Feb 17 Shi trespassed into Nasrat’s property and trapped a worker in his crane bucket for over an hour, by removing the crane’s ignition key. She was also alleged to have committed a rash act by revving her sports car engine and moving it towards Nasrat while he was standing in front of the car. She further harassed Nasrat by hurling expletives at him.

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Shi was earlier ordered to pay $9,800 in damages to her neighbour and trim the branches of the three in her property. Her appeal against the sentence was thrown out by the Court.

Shi also allegedly punched a 58-year-old man, Raphael Chong Yen Ping, in the face at Telok Ayer Street in February 2014, in an unrelated incident. The man suffered a cut above his right eyebrow, and Shi was charged with assault in that case.

The prosecutors asked the Court for some time to complete their investigation into the charges brought against Shi. The Court in the meantime set bail at $15,000 and impounded the passport of the 71-year-old who lives in posh Astrid Hill.