What to do on National Day? Here are the top things to enjoy

SINGAPORE: “Those of you who have migrated out of Singapore, what made you leave?” This is the question an online user posted in an online forum. Many responded in the comments section, sharing what factors they considered when migrating. Ironically, the conversation started just a day before Singapore’s 58th birthday.

“I’ve just come back from staying overseas somewhere in Europe for an extended period of time,” an online user wrote in the Ask Singapore Reddit group on Tuesday (Aug 8). “Besides the food that I missed, I suddenly felt like I didn’t belong at home anymore, ironically in a period when national symbols are everywhere in the country. I wanna know what has prompted other Singaporeans to leave this country for life somewhere else and if it was worth giving up most of what’s here, or if you can see yourself moving back ever.”
A handful of online users took to the post’s comments section to answer the question in depth. From a “lack of work life balance” to the “competitive” nature and “crab mentality” of Singaporeans, Singaporeans shared their reasons for leaving.
Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour
Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour

“Lack of a work life balance,” answered one. “Everything is way too centred around your paycheck and staying afloat in Singapore. If you’re not wealthy, there’s no room for you to enjoy the other aspects of life to the fullest.”

Another who has not migrated but plans to do so next year said, “To be honest, I feel like Singaporeans’ view of the world is quite small. We feel like we are competing with one another at work, which causes a lot of unhappiness, but the world is bigger than Singapore.”

The online user added, “In general, we are very competitive, to the sense of the lack of cohesiveness in a team sometimes. I can feel it all the way from school to work. It’s like we think from a mentality of scarcity, If he succeeds, it means I don’t get it, if he gets the opportunity, it means that I miss out…how about changing the narrative to wow he succeeded, maybe I can too?, if he succeeds, it will open up door for us too? And sometimes it feels a little bit negative for me.”

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Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour
Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour

A third shared, “I left because Singapore was too conservative for me politically and socially. For the first time, I felt like I could breathe and be my true self without having to worry about how others would view me. With something as simple as expressing my opinion, I didn’t feel I could properly do that in Singapore.”

Still, one user pointed out, “What a topic to discuss during National Day… Would leave if life becomes too difficult in Singapore as well.”

Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour
Image: Ask Reddit screengrab / @sixpastfour

those who have migrated out of Singapore, what made you leave?
byu/sixpastfour inaskSingapore