Joey Chin took to Facebook to highlight a problem he encountered when a Singaporean man castigated a foreign worker for taking a break at a void deck.

He filmed and uploaded the unfortunate encounter, and has asked anyone who disagrees with the man’s actions and behavior to share the video to prevent bullying against foreign workers.

So far, Facebook users seem to share Mr Chin’s feelings and have shared his post over 9000 times since he uploaded it on Wednesday, February 20.

The story

Mr Chin says he was eating lunch at a void deck at Kaki Bukit, Jln Tenega when he witnessed “such inhuman behavior” that “utterly disgusted” him.

In the 30-second video, a foreign-looking male was seated on the floor, and there was a man standing nearby, talking to him in an upset manner.

The man asks the foreign worker, “Why do you sleep here? Here’s not for sleeping! This is my house!”

The foreign worker looked as though he agreed and tried to reason with the man, who only got angrier, saying he knows the law.

Mr Chin wrote on the screen, “He thinks he knows Singapore law very well. Really nth (nothing) better to do then find ppl (people) problem.

Ppl (people) after makan want to rest let people rest la fk. Foreigners working here v tough air. He think he got some authority. Mind your own business omg UNCLE!”

Mr Chin describes the Singaporean man as “probably in his early 60s.”

About the foreign worker, the netizen has this to say, “Clearly from what I heard, this worker had years of experience working in Singapore because of his fluent Singlish trying to rebut the man. Parts of the conversation are in this video.”

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Mr Chin confronted the Singaporean man, who he said, “was taken aback. He thought I would “support” his stand, apparently not. He left immediately after not being able to rebut my words, warning & scolding.”

He ends with a call to action.

“This issue with residents acceptability of foreign workers lying on void decks resting, was a local hot topic back in early 2000s. I thought most, if not, all Singaporeans would have been used to and accepted this scene. Unless the workers try to be funny, residents will take action.

If you disagree with the actions of the man, SHARE it! Not to shame him, but to put across the message that in any circumstances when you see foreign workers lying around to rest, no one should act as if they have authority and start confronting & shouting at them! What SHAMEFUL behavior!

His post can be seen in full here.

Mr Chin’s words and video seemingly struck a nerve with other netizens, more than 2,000 of whom have commented on his post.

Some netizens praised Mr Chin for standing up for the foreign worker