Seoul — It has been a while since Korean actor Won Bin has been in the media or in any new project. Fans definitely missed the good-looking and talented star and the good news is that Won Bin still has the sex appeal. Male fashion brand OLZEN recently revealed a summer pictorial featuring the Korean heart-throb on April 28. Won Bin is spotted showing his pure and youthful looks on Jeju Island in the pictorial, as reported by Allkpop. 

After the pictorial was shown, photos of Won Bin began circulating the Internet. Netizens commented on his looks:

“Wow, he hasn’t aged at all” ”

“I can’t believe he shot this pictorial recently”

“I saw him on ‘The Man from Nowhere’ when I was in elementary school and now I graduated college lol”

“He looks like he is still in his early 30s”

“Okay, even taking the photoshop into account, his youthful visual is immaculate”

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Won Bin turns 44 this November.

Born on November 10, 1977, Won Bin is a South Korean actor. He gained  popularity in 2000 after starring in the KBS television series Autumn in My Heart. One of the most selective actors in the Korean entertainment industry, he has starred in only five films to date: Guns & Talks, Taegukgi, My Brother, Mother and The Man from Nowhere. 

Won Bin looks amazing in this pictorial by Olzen. Picture: Instagram

Won Bin was born and raised in Jeongseon County in Gangwon Province, South Korea. He is the fifth and youngest child, with one brother and three sisters. His father was formerly employed in a mine and his mother worked on a farm; both of his parents are now retired. Like other children living in mountainous regions, Won Bin spent most of his time playing around with friends in the mountains and rivers, and later explained: “I came back home most nights at sunset with a black and dusty face.” /TISG