Last Friday, Dr Tan Cheng Bock, a former PAP MP and presidential candidate was was invited to be a guest speaker at a Homeschool Singapore event, namely, The Little U Guest Speaker series.

He shared a Facebook post about the event and with his message to young Singaporeans about challenging the status quo.

He cautioned, “get involved to effect change or else someone else with less ability than you, will be the one making those changes that you don’t like”.

Dr Tan also shared an anecdote of the event, “One of the participants commented “My son found the session interesting. I believe he enjoyed it. I appreciated the message he had for our young people – get involved to effect change or else someone else with less ability than you, will be the one making those changes that you don’t like. I was struck by his openness, and the reasons he continues to challenge the status quo.”

Most of Dr Tan’s posts on social media see many calling for him to re-contest in the elections, and this post was no different as well.

See also  "Sorry, Dr Tan Cheng Bock you are disqualified to stand in PE 2017" - Did Law Minister Shanmugam say that?

However, a comment from Jafri Basron, former Reform Party member, stood out from the rest.

Mr Basron said, “Was there a question sounded like this ” As a medical doctor, how long do you thinks the citizens can be kept in the dark about your intention for the coming General Election?”

Mr Basron’s comment also came at a time after Dr Tan was seen having a meal with Lim Tean, former secretary general of the National Solidarity Party (NSP).

While Dr Tan has not confirmed or denied rumours of his plans for the next set of elections, speculation definitely ensues.
