Singapore — A man’s rude behavior on the train was caught on video recently wherein he asked a fellow passenger who had requested him to put his mask on properly, “Are you a police? Or police dog?”
The video was posted on the Wake Up, Singapore Instagram account on Sunday (June 20) and had been submitted by a netizen going by the name “Sakura.”

Wake Up, Singapore posted Sakura’s account of the encounter, which occurred on June 15 shortly before 8pm on the East West Line, in full.
She wrote that she noticed a man in a grey shirt and black pants speaking loudly, with his mask under his nose and mouth, covering only his chin.
“He mocked passengers around as ”Phubber” (Phone + snubber = Phubber) and judged them, loudly,” Sakura added.
When tensions escalated as some passengers reminded him to put his mask on properly, she wrote that she had reached her “tolerance limit” and decided to film the encounter.
In the video, a man’s voice (off-camera) can be heard saying, “Please wear your mask.”
The man in grey asks him to repeat what he said several times, growing irate.
At one point he said, “Speak Mandarin,” adding “Chinese should speak Mandarin,” in what Sakura described as a “contemptuous tone.”
He then lowered his mask even more, and said in Mandarin, “Let you see,” before laughing.
At that point, the man in grey then asked the man who had reminded him to wear his mask correctly, “Are you a police? Or police dog?”
He added, “You also jialat. Busybody.”
Growing even more combative, he asked, “You want fight?”
As the stop for “Clementi” is announced over the PA system, he then stands and walks away.
Sakura wrote, “The man was obviously making use of the male passenger’s weakness in Chinese to insult him.”
She lodged a complaint with the female staff outside Door 14 and was told by the woman that the man in grey “goes in and out of Clementi station every day without wearing mask properly.”
Sakura added that she asked for “a proper complaint channel, and decided to report the arrogant man, and will never tolerate the act of humiliating others.”
Read also: Anti-masker’ in MRT says S’pore should let him go because he wants to leave
‘Anti-masker’ in MRT says S’pore should let him go because he wants to leave