
A 23-year-old man is believed to have leapt to his death from the 11th floor of a flat in Taman Jurong yesterday morning.

Onlookers said that two women, who appeared to be the man’s relatives, begged him not to jump but failed to dissuade the man who reportedly jumped from the window ledge of the flat at 119 Yuan Ching Road around 9am.

One resident told the Chinese daily that she saw two women pleading for the man to get down from the ledge:

“Two people who were maybe his female relatives were begging him not to jump. They were anxious and crying.”

Another bystander who witnessed the tragedy recounted that the man appeared calm and was swaying back and forth, holding on to an overhead beam for support:

‘When he was tired, he would lean back against the wall and even smoke cigarettes.”

The man had reportedly been in that position for 2 hours, until he saw officers from the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) had arrived and were deploying an airbag on the ground floor to break his fall.

The man was heard shouting at the officers to leave him alone, according to onlookers, before he leapt. He did not survive the fall.

An onlooker captured the incident and uploaded it online. Viewer discretion is advised:




Police investigations are ongoing.