The Facebook page ‘We want Minister Grace Fu to resign’ has claimed that Ms Fu has responded to a question they raised in their page about what happened to the Municipal Services Office (MSO) since its inception in 2014. The page said that she posted two updates about what the MSO had been doing even though she is on holiday. The only thing is, the updates were all old news.
Just in case you can’t see their post, this is what they said.
Last week on 22 Dec 2016, we wrote here asking Grace Fu what has happened to her Municipal Services Office (Hey Ms Fu, what has happened to your Municipal Services Office?).
This office was set up by PM two years ago due to a fishball stick incident, which no govt agencies wanted to take any actions clearing the stick. The agencies had maintained that the fishball stick did not fall into their jurisdiction of supervision. PM then decided to set up the Municipal Services Office (MSO) to improve the govt’s overall coordination and delivery of municipal services. He appointed Ms Fu to head this new agency. But immediately after the MSO was set up, she told the media:
“If you’re already used to calling your local HDB office, or your local police post, we really don’t want to cause you to have to relearn another number,” she said. “So it has to be something that you can call, and has a way to direct your feedback to the right agencies, but not one that requires you to call only one number.”
In other words, she didn’t want the public to call her new MSO line unnecessarily. Don’t “relearn another (MSO) number”.
After the Facebook posting was put up, few hours later on the same day on 22 Dec, Ms Fu suddenly responded on her Facebook page:
She highlighted that her MSO agency gave an award to PUB and Town Council for achieving “systemic improvements to feedback handling and service delivery”. And 5 days later (27 Dec) after her above posting, she posted again on her Facebook page:
This time she talked about MSO giving another award to HDB and SCDF for their inter-agency collaboration to “enhance public safety”.
But actually, these 2 postings are based on an old news 3 months ago (Sep 2016) when Grace Fu gave out awards to govt agencies at the Municipal Services Awards 2016 ceremony:
[fvplayer src=””]
Ms Fu seems to be implying in her Facebook postings that MSO merely gives out “awards” so as to encourage more inter-govt agency collaborations to solve problems like the “fish stick incident”.