A video of an argument between a woman and a GradFood delivery rider who allegedly crashed into the pedestrian is circulating online, sparking mixed reactions among netizens.

“Rude Grad delivery man rammed me from behind and was not sorry about it,” wrote Facebook page Singapore Incidents on Sunday (April 10), quoting the woman.

The video began with the woman already asking the rider why he “banged into her.”

“I already ring the bell, right,” the rider responded.

“No, you ring the bell, but you cannot bang to me,” said the woman.

The rider then said that if he rang the bell, “you need to move.”

The woman argued that she was already on the walkway and didn’t need to move. The video ended with the rider making his way around the woman.

With over 600 comments to date, members from the online community commented varying opinions on the incident.

Many agreed that cyclists should give pedestrians ample time to move after ringing their bells.

“Ring the bell, slow down and give the person time to move aside for you…they can’t match your cycling speed and move aside like a ninja,” said Facebook user Paul Benedict.


“This has got to be investigated (and) the rider punished,” said netizen Dennis Teo. “People who are hearing impact cannot hear the bell and people who are visually impaired cannot know where they are coming from how to give way even if they want to?” he asked.

“This kind of mentality has happened too often from self-entitled riders.”

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Netizens urged cyclists to give way to pedestrians.

“They have the most basic right to the pavement. If they move, it’s a bonus and good courtesy. Cyclists, just give a friendly wave and say thank you if pedestrians give way,” said Facebook user Benjamin Wee.

Meanwhile, others noted that some road users disregard the bell ringing altogether.

“These people are getting a bit too much nowadays. I was cycling on the road yesterday. I was behind a car, and I rang my bell; the car just refused to move to one side. This world is getting crazy,” said Facebook user Yip Mengwai./TISG


ByHana O