Singapore — After an unknown person sent him an irate message on WhatsApp, Parliament Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin took to social media to say that he does not respond to anonymous messages sent to his phone.

When people seek his help, they should email or message him instead, he added.

On Wednesday (Mar 17), the Speaker wrote about the message from an unknown person in a Facebook post.

“Hmm. Someone named John WhatsApped me claiming to have gotten my mobile number from Instagram a few years ago. That he needs my help with MOH and if I’m willing, to let him know so that he can send details.”

The Speaker said that he does not answer messages such as the one “John” sent.

Those who send him messages sometimes provide additional details “so that it is bona fide, or seems to be,” he added.

They also send him DMs (direct messages) via the various social media platforms where he is active, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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The Speaker wrote, “Where I can, I’d try and help.”

Unfortunately, “John” hasn’t taken kindly to Mr Tan’s non-response to his text.

“This chap just sent an angry message accusing me of not responding and not helping at all etc.”

The Speaker then addressed “John” directly, writing to him: “If you are reading this, email me or message me so that I know that it’s a legitimate message. I don’t respond to anonymous messages on my mobile. Thanks.”

Mr Tan has made his official email address,, available on his Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Many people have reacted to Mr Tan’s post.

When netizens commented on the Speaker’s post that “John’ may be a scammer, Mr Tan responded that he did not think this is so.

Actor Hossan Leong left a humorous comment on the post.

Others said that if “John” needs help, he should go through the proper channels. 




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Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan Jin’s comments rile up netizen