SINGAPORE — A person can crowdsource anything these days, including, apparently, a gift for their significant other. This appears to be what one woman had in mind when she asked what gift she could get her boyfriend for Christmas.

“Hi! This is our first Christmas together and I’m not sure what to get for my boyfriend, he likes to game on switch and pc and I’ve a tight budget of $50. Pls comment below. What shops sell matching bracelets?” wrote Reddit user Rikaachuu on r/askSingapore on Wednesday (Dec 20).

Singapore Reddit users certainly are obliging folks, as she received over a hundred comments on her post. One suggested that she buy him a hoodie, which she could also use.

Another Reddit user had a novel suggestion.

“Usually [I] just tell my partner to guess what [I] bought for them. They will guess and just keep saying no or just tease them. Keep doing it till you have a list, and just pick from there.”

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The netizen liked the suggestion and thanked the commenter.

Others pushed for steam gift cards.

Since the poster’s boyfriend likes to game on his Nintendo Switch, others suggested Switch-related items.