In a Facebook post titled ‘PSP’s NCMPs Sworn into Parliament’, Secretary-General of the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Dr Tan Cheng Bock congratulated Hazel Poa and Leong Mun Wai.

On the 24th of August, Ms Hazel Poa and Mr Leong Mun Wai were sworn into Parliament as Non-Constituency Members of Parliament (NCMPs).

Dr Tan wrote: “This is the beginning of a new journey for them, as well as PSP. Hazel and Mun Wai will be your voice in Parliament – sharing your concerns and upholding your interests”.

He asked that Singaporeans give the two new NCMPs their full support and added that he would continue to do his part as well.

Sharing a photo of Ms Poa, Mr Leong and the Workers’ Party’s Pritam Singh and his wife, Dr Tan added: “It will be challenging, but I know that Hazel and Mun Wai are ready for this and we are also thankful for the support expressed by our friends in the Worker’s Party”.

Before the elections, Dr Tan said he will not take up a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) seat if the opportunity arises, and called it a “ploy” to entice voters from opposition parties.

“I know they (PAP) changed the rules and all the NCMPs actually behave like MPs in the House. But there’s one element missing – there’s no ground for him,” said Dr Tan.

“For us to be able to be a good opposition, we must always have some home or ground … I look at it as a ploy … to entice you to all vote the PAP, because they guarantee you have 12 NCMPs.”

The NCMP scheme allows the “best-performing losers” from the opposition to enter Parliament after a General Election. Members of the WP have in the past spoken up against the scheme, which has been in place for 36 years.

During his time as an MP between 1980 and 2006, Dr Tan also spoke against the Nominated Member of Parliament scheme.

“I opposed the NMP scheme very, very strongly and I stated my case in Parliament, objected to it and voted against it. That has been my stand,” he said. “For the NCMP (scheme), I’m not against it but that’s my own take. It’s not just being able to talk in Parliament but I always believe that you must have a base.” /TISG