Madonna’s ‘Rebel Heart Tour’ is coming to Singapore on 28 February 2016 and some religious conservatives in Singapore are against Madonna’s performance here.
Facebook user Carrie Shalom, posting in the group ‘We are Against Pink Dot in Singapore‘ (a network which encourages mostly anti-LGBT (lesbian, gay, transgender and trans-sexual) discussions), said that after the Adam Lambert concert, now Madonna’s coming here, and that such concerts would “corrupt more of our people, our young people and harm society”.
Carrie posted this picture:
pink rotWith the caption:
“Singapore IS ROTTING… Fast… When authorities permit Pink ROT to be celebrated and promoted, year after year after year, homosexuality, transgender affirming propaganda films in our cinemas, Adam Lambert in Celebrate Countdown 2016 and NOW trashy, crude and vulgar Madonna with her profusely Sacrilegious, Sexually and Religiously Offensive and Obscene Rebel Heart World Tour IN Singapore to corrupt more of our people, our young people and harm society!
Parents and sound-minded citizens, you have a duty NOT to sit on the fence or stay silent when you see our morals and values being eroded away by militant secularists and LGBT activists!”
The picture has drawn some criticisms for being misleading.
Another Facebooker, Jack Lin, commented on the picture saying, “Wow. Seriously. I think this is intentional misleading. That picture was not taken from the countdown here. Thats obvious stirring and misleading and misinformation”.
Another commenter, Lovely Hiro said, “It is ok for group to protest against Madonna’s style etc…. However, if Lambert din performed as per the pix shown suggesting that he did for countdown, think it is not right to anyhow portray that he did. We are not like those people. We don’t want to be like them. Please change the pix. Thanks.”
One commenter on the post, Jason Sim, has supported the idea of not having Madonna here. He said:
“Maybe the PM should step in. He wants Singapore to survive another 50 years…this is not the right direction. A nation without morale and values will not last. A nation without strong families will not last. A nation that is divided will not last. Openness to new ideas are fine but not ones that will cost a nation everything so as to give in to morale decay.”
One of the senior pastors of Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC), Rev (Dr) Nina Khong has not only supported Jason’s comment, but has also asked him to write in to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to intervene in the staging of the concert.
rev_dr_nina_khong1Rev Khong is the wife of Apostle Lawrence Khong, the founder and senior pastor of FCBC.
Apostle Khong is one of the more prominent faces of the ‘Wear White Campaign’, a movement that was set-up to counter the Pink Dot movement (a movement for societal acceptance of LGBT and their families).
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was Rev and Apostle Khong’s classmate in National Junior College. Apostle Khong had said in an interview that all 3 “would hang out together”.

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