SINGAPORE — The world is getting ready for an influx of travellers from China, which lifted pandemic restrictions earlier this month. Singapore’s Ministry of Health, however, said on Wednesday (Dec 28) that there will be no changes to rules for travellers and work pass holders arriving from China.

A Reddit user, however, expressed his opinion on the r/SingaporeRaw community page, saying that Singapore needs to restrict travellers to and from China. “When Covid started singapore dallied to china’s whims and refused to restrict travel causing a huge surge. With China case loads at historic highs the government has maybe again applied to the CCP to allow restriction on travel and the application is probably still ‘pending’. On the other hand China has realised the situation in country is so bad, no point restricting anyone from coming in or going out. Hardly makes a difference so it is allowing unrestricted travel,” wrote Redditor VPee on Wednesday (Dec 28).

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Infectious disease experts say there’s no need for added restrictions for travellers from China, especially with Singapore’s high vaccination rate.

“At this juncture, the prevailing border measures and vaccination requirements for travellers and work pass holders arriving from China remain unchanged,” MOH said, adding that “China currently imposes restrictions on outbound travel, as one needs valid reasons, such as education and business, to leave the country.”

But since these restrictions were lifted, China has also seen a large surge of Covid-19 infections, with a recent report saying that from Dec 1 to 20, as many as 250 million or 18 per cent of the country’s population have gotten Covid since Beijing removed measures that have been in place for almost three years.

Some countries, such as Japan, Malaysia and the United States, have announced that Covid-19 testing requirements will be imposed on travellers from China. Additionally, unvaccinated travellers to Singapore are required to undergo pre-departure tests.

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“Fat hope! I already stock up on masks, panadol and cough mixture. Later going stock up my pantry,” one Reddit user responded.

Another Redditor predicted that Covid-19 cases would increase after the Chinese New Year.

Two Reddit users got into an argument, with one saying Covid needs to be treated like a “normal flu” and the other disagreeing.

“I think appropriate measures need to be taken but not ban them. Many businesses depends on tourists and more visitors means more money flowing in. If the spread of covid does not severely impact our country, we should continue to allow travellers, China or not,” wrote one.


Despite Covid surge, Singapore infectious disease experts say there’s no need for added restrictions for travellers from China