A Senior Human Resource Leader wrote online that she was called out for “insubordination” when she insisted on hiring Singaporean PMETs.

In a post on employment-oriented online service LinkedIn, the woman, who said she was a senior HR leader for the last decade, wrote: “It’s a sad day when citizens face discrimination for jobs in their own country. When you have to hire a Singaporean to improve diversity”.

She added, “In the last decade as a senior HR leader, I’ve had bosses who “strongly recommended” that I look at CVs of foreigners when I had already interviewed qualified locals for an open role”.

“I’ve been called out for insubordination when I insisted on building a Singapore core of PMETs within the company”, she wrote.

She said that she had also set through Succession Planning panels where “expatriate Directors openly say that “No Asian will lead in this place; it’ll be a disaster!””

The woman wrote: “All I ask is that employers give Singaporeans a fair chance by actively seeking, interviewing and fairly evaluating local candidates too”.

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Her post was circulated on social media, where many netizens agreed with her and said that they too had faced discriminatory practices during hiring.