Singapore — A citizen has taken to pasting threatening notes in the lift to warn others about cigarette ashes.

i live for their replies to each other from r/singapore

“Stop throwing your cigeratte ash down every day. This is my last warning. I will find you,” says the original note.

A day later, another note was pasted, which says: “I would love to see you try”.

Photo: Reddit

According to Reddit user sakutawannabe, the notes were pasted in the lift of his block in an attempt to frighten the smoker into changing his behaviour. The Reddit user found the notes amusing and uploaded them onto the forum.

Some netizens are finding this drama hilarious, with many wanting to see how the situation unfolds.

Another pointed out a reference to the movie Taken, in which actor Liam Neeson says, “I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.”

However, others are more sceptical of the post, pointing out the similarities in handwriting. They question the authenticity of the reply, noting that the reply could have been written by any resident and not necessarily the perpetrator.

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Photo: Reddit

Another person shared a similar experience they had with high-rise littering of cigarette ashes. Cigarette butts used to be constantly thrown from the upper floors to the ground floor where they lived. They had to deal with the littering and the smell of cigarette smoke constantly but couldn’t identify who threw the butts.

Another netizen noted how inconsiderate littering cigarette ashes was.

Under the Environmental Public Health Act, stiff penalties can be meted out for high-rise littering offences. The maximum fine for each littering act is $2,000 for the first court conviction, $4,000 for the second conviction and $10,000 for the third or subsequent conviction.

Denise Teh is an intern at The Independent SG. /TISG