A man who decided he could tolerate his boss no more and threw in the towel after a decade in the company wrote that he had “An idiotic boss”.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page, the man said that he decided to tender his resignation after 10 years in the company.

“During this 10 years i did commit a couple of mistakes at work. The problem is that those who is gang (sic) with the boss commit mistake [and] get away scot free”, he wrote, explaining that his boss would apparently always overlook the mistakes of those close to her.

He went on to say that the mistakes he made were always publicised, emphasised and highlighted to the team and to the whole company. “This is to a point my reputation and personal well being is affected as I always need to look behind my back”, he wrote.

The man said that even during his exit interview, she took the opportunity to remind him of the mistakes he made.

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Conventionally, an exit interview has three purposes: to learn where the company can improve itself, to make sure employees leave feeling good about their service and, in some cases, to encourage the employee to stay under new circumstances.

The man wrote: “Is there karma in the world? Why she have to keep on biting on my shortcomings. I felt terrible and demoralise and internalise that I am simply no good”.

Netizens who commented on the post said that it was good he chose to leave and that he would be better off in another company.

Here’s what they said:

Last month, an intern who had family problems was told to leave work early and go home by her boss. However, she found herself fired the next day.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the intern said that things were going well until “i was sick and had non stop vomiting. Saw a doctor but didn’t get well so my mum rushed me to the hospital. I was dehydrated by then so i had to be on iv drip. Results came out and i was diagnosed with salmonella infection”.

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When she explained to her boss about the situation, her boss understood and the intern submitted the medical certificate and discharge papers as well. A week later, while attending an event at a hotel for work, the intern wrote that she faced family problems. She found out that her mother was cheating on her father. She was told that the man her mother was having an affair with was a past lover.

“I couldn’t accept it and i cried thinking what if they divorced and this family wld be gone. I was angry at myself that i didn’t found out earlier so i could help my dad ease his pain cuz he didn’t tell anyone his feeling as he needed to protect me. I didn’t manage to tell anyone too as my auntie told me to keep it to myself”, the intern wrote.

When her boss saw her crying and trembling, she told her to go back home. However, despite the intern insisting that she was fine, her boss told her to go home. The next day, she received notice that she had been let go from the internship.

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“Boss then fired me the next day as she told me she was lacking of manpower and i can’t continue on like this. I’m really afraid of failing my internship and with this kind of family problems, i’m afraid i can’t take it anymore”, the intern wrote.

Read the full story here:

Intern says her boss told her to go home when she had family troubles, but then fired her the next day