SINGAPORE: An anonymous participant on the Complaint Singapore Facebook group stirred a debate on Thursday (Sept 21) when they questioned the absence of temples akin to Buddhist temples dedicated to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The comment sparked a response from fellow Singaporeans who quickly reminded the netizen of the late Mr Lee’s stance against hero worship.

The Facebook post, which raised the question: “Why there are Buddhist temples but no LKY temples for us to worship him?” triggered a wave of reactions and comments from group members. Some asked the netizen to avoid conflating politics with religion, while many others pointed the netizen to the late Mr Lee’s own perspective on the matter.

Lee Kuan Yew’s only daughter, Dr Lee Wei Ling, referred to his views on hero worship in 2016 in response to events organised to commemorate his first death anniversary. She recalled that her father would have “cringed at the hero worship” associated with such tributes.

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In a heartfelt Facebook post, she emphasised the importance of remembering her father’s intentions and values and stressed, “…in looking at acts of commemoration in general, I would ask how the time, effort, and resources used to prepare these would benefit Singapore and Singaporeans”.

Dr Lee further elaborated on her father’s stance, saying, “Papa was dead set against a personality cult and any hint of cronyism.”

She continued, “Papa’s focus never wavered. What he did was all for the welfare of the nation and its people. Yes, it is good that we remember history. But it would be even better if we honour Lee Kuan Yew by working for the well-being of Singapore and Singaporeans.

Any veneration could have the opposite effect and lead future generations of Singaporeans to think that my father’s actions were motivated by his desire for fame or the creation of a dynasty. He strove hard and determinedly in life to advance Singapore, and not for his place in history, or leaving a great legacy. He is a rare politician and leader, who did what he had to do with no thought to any gain for himself.”