A series of funny and seemingly lighthearted videos on YouTube is masking just how seriously Google is making a play for iPhone users. And these videos seem to be doing a pretty good job at convincing people to make the switch to the Pixel 3 or Pixel 3XL.

The name of the campaign is “Unswitchables,” all released on November 26 and are currently racking up views on YouTube, with far more people giving them thumbs-ups than thumbs down.

They all follow the same premise—that it’s hard to make a switch to another type of smartphone particularly when you like the one you have now, and you’re used to its quirks and features.

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While the current phone that the three people in the videos use remains unnamed, it’s been revealed that they are all iOs users. Of course, nothing bad is ever said about iPhones on the videos, in fact, all the users seem perfectly happy with their Apple gadgets, and are reluctant to give them up for the three weeks it takes for someone to get completely used to something new.

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In the videos, we see all three users need to adjust somewhat to Google Pixel 3’s features, but as time goes on, they all grow to love their new phones—and—spoiler (not really) alert, yes, of course, they make the switch. It would hardly be an ad for Google if they didn’t.

The first video is called “Too Busy to Switch” and it centers around a young chef, Gladys, who is getting ready to open her first restaurant. The premise is that her schedule is too full for her to learn how to use a new platform or operating system, but within the first few minutes, she is already able to transfer all her data to the new phone quickly and easily. Gladys finds that the Pixel 3 is actually helpful to her career since it has personal assistant features that she finds extremely useful.

The second video features a dog walker and is entitled “Too Chill to Switch,” and answers the question as to whether someone cool and laid back and completely comfortable with their phone would be enticed to actually switch to Google’s Pixel 3. The dog walker, Mateo, is enticed by the amazing picture quality of the Pixel 3 and realizes that it can help him with his business, and by the end of the video, naturally, he also makes the switch.

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The final video, “Too In Love to Switch,” is about a woman, Layne, who’s girlfriend is very attached to a particular phone brand and refuses to even consider anything else, and therefore, Layne is hesitant to try a new kind of phone. But like in the other two videos, she’s won over by the different features of the Pixel phone, and she makes the switch. As it turns out, her girlfriend did not find it too difficult at all.

Apparently, the videos are all true stories, as can be seen from some fine print on the video that says “opinions expressed by the participants are real and they have been compensated for their time.”

Apple users are notoriously loyal to the brand, which is one of the biggest in the world. There’s a reason for the phrase “once you go Mac, you’ll never go back.” Will they be enticed by the videos? Maybe. They certainly make a convincing argument for making the switch.

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