People’s Action Party (PAP)’s Sitoh Yih Pin won the Potong Pasir SMC seat in the 2020 General Elections with 60.69% of the votes.

The Potong Pasir SMC saw Sitoh Yih Pin contesting against Singapore People’s Party (SPP) Chairman Jose Raymond.

Potong Pasir SMC was the SMC held by Chiam See Tong, the longest serving opposition Member of Parliament who represented Potong Pasir SMC from 1984 to 2011.

In the 2015 elections, PAP’s Mr Sitoh won 66.4% of the votes against SPP’s Lina Chiam.

It is the first election since Mr Chiam was elected in the Potong Pasir SMC in 1984 that the constituency is no longer contested by a member of the Chiam family.

After the results were announced, Mr Raymond released a statement on his Facebook page, wishing Mr Sitoh and his team “nothing but the very best”. Furthermore, he added that “Politics is often divisive, but never forget (that we) are all fellow Singaporeans, and we fight under the same flag, the Singapore flag”.

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It is Mr Raymond’s first election. He was once the Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan’s press secretary and is currently the chief strategy officer of communications firm Spin Worldwide.