Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have followed in the footsteps of YouTube, WordPress and Patreon in banning controversial vlogger Amos Yee from their platforms for promoting pedophilia.

Yee, a young Singaporean who is presently living in the US after being granted asylum, openly said in his Twitter bio that “I defend Pedophiles publicly on the internet.” Last Saturday, Twitter banned Yee after users flagged his account over this sick post:

Yee’s Facebook account is reportedly no longer available online, as well. His last post on social media, published on Sunday, reportedly revealed that he has been running a pedophile-friendly server that it meant for discussion and education on “positions of paedophiles… debate tactics and how to sound more convincing when putting forth an argument”.

In the post, Yee wrote: “I’ve been running a paedo-friendly Discord server for the past few weeks and I’m looking for new members. This Discord server is not open to the public so if you’d like to join, private message me here on Facebook with a small intro of yourself (your views on paedophilia, your political views, how big of an Amos Yee fan you are).”

Earlier this year, in May, YouTube barred Yee’s account on their platform after he posted three videos defending pedophilia last November. The videos drew widespread criticism online and led to the cancellation of several speaking engagements that Yee was scheduled to participate in.

Last Sunday, US-based human rights lawyer Melissa Chen who helped Yee obtain asylum status in the US said on her Facebook page that Yee should be deported from the US. Referring to Yee’s defense of pedophilia and pedophiles, she said:

“Some repulsive ideas generate too much negative externalities, and especially when these externalities involve the welfare of children, I think society cannot allow them to have free reign.”