Singapore — After taking over Instagram and revealing that the glasses he wears have no lenses, 80-year-old Progress Singapore Party leader Dr Tan Cheng Bock is now being referred to as a “hypebeast”.

As older folk are often taken as out of touch with the trends and slang of the day, Dr Tan has made quite the impression on Instagram users. According to a report in, his presence on the social media platform has put him on the radar  of younger generations.

On Wednesday (July 1), Dr Tan posted this video on Instagram. The clip featured him putting a finger through his spectacle frame, and was met with comments calling the opposition politician a “hypebeast”.

According to the report, when asked about the spectacles during a walkabout, he replied: “Hypebeast … We all did a trick, so all of you got excited asking how come I am not wearing glasses.”
In the next clip, Dr Tan requested supporters to send him their videos explaining why they loved Singapore. In his short message, not only did he address viewers as “hypebeasts”, he also used the term “woke”.
While “hypebeast” is used to signify someone current, cool and highly fashionable, “woke” is a millenial term that refers to one who is updated and aware of important issues — in a very hip way.

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Other Instagram quotes by Dr Tan have rendered him a social media sensation, as many have found his attempt to become more well-versed with current slang amusing. For example, according to todayonline.comwhen an Instagram user tried teaching Dr Tan to use the popular term “shoutout”, the politician replied: “I can’t shout in Parliament. Only debate is okay.”

Many have commented on Dr Tan’s Instagram post, calling him a “true hypebeast.” Others called him “cool.”

From Instagram comments
From Instagram comments

It seems as though Dr Tan is using his social media fame and new lingo to connect with a particular group of Singaporeans — the youths. Based on the number of views of his Instagram videos, this tactic just might be working. It also coincides with his recent statement: “I earn my votes, I never expect them.” /TISG