Beauty pageant regular Melissa Wix has released a bare faced photo of herself on Facebook in defense of this year’s Miss Singapore finalists who have been slammed online as “pathetic.”

While some commentators expressed support for the ladies participating in the competition this year, many said that they could not believe their eyes and that they’re hoping that this is just an elaborate joke.

Having been crowned Miss Bikinis Asia 2016 and Miss Cosmopolitan World Singapore 2016, Melissa said that the Miss Singapore finalists are not ‘ugly’ but simply need proper grooming and makeup.

Sharing a side-by-side comparison of her face without any makeup and her face when she won a pageant, Melissa said, “Quit criticising them and look at yourself in the mirror bare-faced first.”

Melissa has previously expressed her support for the finalists in her Facebook page, when their photo went viral. She had said:

This photo has been going viral because many find the contestants ‘not up to standard’ or ‘ugly’. Here is my take on this. 

I see so many nasty comments about the girls in this picture of how they are ugly or not up to standard. But the person/organization u guys should be hating on is the organizers of the pageant itself. They very well know the standard of being a beauty contestant, yet, they allow these girls to be a finalist and why? Because of money. I know of some pageants who collect ‘registration fees’ and these registration fees can go up to a few hundred dollars. They do not care about the contestants at all and just want to earn as much money as possible by feeding on their vanity. The more contestants they have, the more tables they sell during their grand finals and the more they earn. They clearly don’t care wherethe the girls will get bashed online for their looks if not they would have picked quality over quantity.

As a pageant organization, their responsibility is to vet through applicants and make sure the girls look their best always. This is not the case as many of them are way prettier in their own profile pictures then in this photo.

That being said, I know of pageants who are really sincere in what they do and believe in, like Miss Bikini Asia/Miss Lumiere Singapore.

Also, Singaporeans in general are not very supportive of our own beauty pageants. Majority of the time when a pageant makes headline news, it is always reflected in a negative light. How do u expect girls to even dare join a pageant when the criticism is so harsh? You think joining a pageant is easy? No its not. It requires a hell lot of time and commitment and money.

Also, i really applaud these girls for their confidence. Yes, some of them may not be ‘pretty’. But clearly u can see that some don’t even wear makeup in this photo and how can a beauty pageant organization even allow this to happen. Don’t they have makeup artists to help them out?

All in all, i hope everyone stops bashing on the girls because this is not their fault. Even i look like that without makeup with my spectacles on. The fault lies with the organization for allowing this to happen.