Singapore — A car owner has praised a driver for not only admitting to have bumped his car while it was parked but for also leaving contact information so that he could pay for the repairs.

The incident happened earlier this week. The car owner, Mr Tong Yee, wrote on Facebook  about it on Thursday (Sept 24) and the post has gone viral, being shared more than 6,000 times.

Mr Tong wrote that he had gone back to his car after an early morning meeting over breakfast and found a small note on his windscreen.

“After getting over ticket trauma, I realized it was a note to say someone dented my car,” he wrote.

The note, which he posted, read: “Just hit your car at the back. Pls contact me.” It included a phone number, which was blacked out by Mr Tong.

On checking the rear end of the vehicle, he saw that his hatchback had a dent, “with soil on bumper and around the dent”.

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He added that he had contacted the person who had bumped his car but the exchange between them was so extraordinary that he was moved to write the following:

Dearest Shamsul,

I have not met you yet but I want to say that you really encouraged me. I’ve been quite stressed recently. But you brought me a release that I needed. I will do my utmost in making sure you are honored for your integrity.

And if you really are a foreign national working here, then bless you. It’s a privilege to have you working with us. Grateful for you. And I will do my utmost in making sure your time with us is honored.

Mr Tong included screenshots of his WhatsApp exchanges with Mr Shamsul, whom he humorously called “Car Dude”.

Introducing himself as the owner of the damaged car, Mr Tong thanked Mr Shamsul not only for writing the note, but also for his integrity. “It was very encouraging to receive your note,” he wrote.

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Mr Shamsul answered immediately, introducing himself and apologizing again for his “carelessness” in causing damage to Mr Tong’s car.

“I would like to take the responsibility,” he added.

When Mr Shamsul asked for suggestions on how he would like payment to be made for the damage, Mr Tong replied that since the damage was slight, S$200 would be enough for repairs.

Mr Tong suggested payment over PayLah, kindly adding that if the repairs were to cost more, he would shoulder them himself. “This is a small matter. I more appreciate your responsibility.”

And when Mr Shamsul asked if he could defer payment for the damage until Monday, Sept  28, when he received his salary, he was told to take his time and that he could also pay in  S$50 monthly instalments.

At this, Mr Shamsul thanked Mr Tong for his understanding, and apologised again for denting his car.

To cap their truly extraordinary exchange, Mr Tong ended up inviting Mr Shamsul to dinner to thank him for his “honestly and responsibility”. “You are a good man,” Mr Tong wrote. /TISG

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