Lim Tean, chief of unregistered People’s Voice party, has issued a challenge online, calling Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong, Second Minister for Finance and Education Indranee Rajah and Minister for Transport Khaw Boon Wan to debate with him live on the issue of whether HDB dwellers are truly homeowners or merely lease-owners.

In a Facebook post on Friday, September 7, Lim Tean said, “Wouldn’t a live televised debate to get to the bottom of this issue be a good idea? Clearing the issue and defining our status as owners or tenants once and for all?”

He added, “I suggest 4 ministers to debate with me, Lawrence Wong, Lee Hsien Loong, Indranee Raja and Kwah Boon Wan.”

Wouldn't a live televised debate to get to the bottom of this issue be a good idea? Clearing the issue and defining our…

Posted by Tean Lim on Thursday, 6 September 2018

In his post, he also shared a poll asking if a televised debate would be a good idea. 95 per cent of the 4,100 people who voted did indeed agree.

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Lim Tean once again shared the results of his poll on Monday, September 10, and added, “Over 4k of you voted in my poll and 95% overwhelmingly would like to see a live TV debate to resolve this HDB mess once and for all.

However, he continued, saying,” I very much doubt it will happen”.

To his followers though he said, “But let that not stop us using our voices and social media to keep demanding what it is that we want to see happen. Thank you everyone for joining your voices with mine in this short weekend poll. Together we gather momentum and force. I applaud you all”.

Over 4k of you voted in my poll and 95% overwhelmingly would like to see a live TV debate to resolve this HDB mess once…

Posted by Tean Lim on Sunday, 9 September 2018

Netizens who commented on his post were surprisingly for a debate.

One netizen seemed to be wiser than most.

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