Singapore once had a superhero – VR Man. VR Man came just for a season and now remains in the minds of some Singaporeans as an immortal benchmark.
Those that he helped could not figure out who he was. Even the police had no clue as to the true identity of the superhero.
[fvplayer src=””]A picture which recently appeared in Facebook, has shed light on the identity of VR Man.
VRManIt is believed that the VR Man is the son of none other than the son of Shadow Emperor Lord Lee. The Shadow Emperor amassed unimaginable advanced technologies and knowledge, spreading his eternal wisdom to transform a once useless ejaculate island to a massive success.
ShadowEmperorBecause the actual identity of VR Man is now released, the public has an inkling as to the identity of the arch-nemesis of the superhero – Clickclick Man.

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