The electoral results of the first three SMCs, Macpherson, Bukit Panjang and Potong Pasir- have been revealed (June 11), with PAP retaining power in all three constituencies.

The results for Bukit Panjang SMC were first to come in with PAP’s Liang Eng Hwa securing 18,070 votes (53.4 %) against SDP Paul Tambyah’s 15,556 votes (46.2%) out of a grand total of 35,497 electors.

For Macpherson SMC which has 28,564 voters, PAP’s Tin Pei Ling won 18,983 votes (71.74%) by a landslide against PPP’s Goh Meng Seng’s 7,477 votes (28.26%).

Finally, with regards to the hotly contested Potong Pasir SMC, PAP’s Sitoh Yih Pin bagged a win of 11,232 votes (60.69%) against SPP’s Jose Raymond’s 7,275 votes (39.31%) out of 19,740 voters.

Upon seeing these results, Dr Paul Tambyah called out PAP’s action in calling the 2020 General Elections in the midst of a world pandemic  and he “emphasized the recklessness and opportunism of the PAP”. He, alongside Dr Chee Soon Juan, resolved to work harder for the people in their respective constituencies and improve their lives wherever they could.

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These elections have so far proven to be rife with controversy, especially with the government’ decision to hold them amidst a global pandemic as well as the extended voting period.