Carrie Wong and Ian Fang have released statements regarding the leaked controversial and explicit messages between the two actors. Actor Boris Lin has now broken his silence regarding the controversy surrounding his girlfriend, Carrie Wong.

On May 14 (Tuesday), a series of sexually explicit Instagram messages between Wong and Fang were shared by an internet user. In the leaked messages, both actors also seemed to have talked about Lawrence Wong in a rather unpleasant tone. The conversation had allegedly happened in February, and both stars have confirmed that they had indeed been the ones talking in the leaked screenshots.

ReadBorderline sexting by Carrie Wong and Ian Fang leaked, apologies follow

Carrie Wong was in a relationship with Boris Lin, while Ian Fang was rumoured to be dating actress Rebecca Lim when the messaging transpired. Both sets of relationships are still on-going.

Wong and Fang have filed police reports regarding the leak of their private conversations on Instagram, according to The Celebrity Agency (TCA) which manages the two actors. A TCA representative acknowledged that the leaked messages, although “conducted in jest”, were still “distasteful and inappropriate.”

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Lin has also released a statement regarding the controversy. Lin, represented by a lawyer, posted the statement on his public Instagram account accompanied by a photo of Wong and him.

Read Lin’s statement translated to English by

“We are very good, thanks everyone!

Now that it has come to this, I believe I have a duty to explain the situation to everyone. I believe that when my other half needed me, I wasn’t there for her. I really haven’t done enough for my other half.

Mr Fang and my other half are really good friends who are always joking with each other. They are more candid and relaxed with each other when they talk.

When it comes to this whole incident, I believe that apart from Mr Fang being more proactive with what he said, my other half did not do anything wrong.

I hope that after this matter blows over, Mr Fang will stop coming in between our relationship and that he can respect his own life and the friends around him.

I want to thank the public for their interest in us and for their support which was the biggest source of motivation for us to keep on going. The matter has now become a legal issue, and those who disseminate and forward the clips may face up to two years of imprisonment. And those who disclose private information of others may face up to five years of imprisonment.

We feel bad to have troubled the media.
Thank you Mediacorp for your assistance and thanks everyone once again. We are good.”

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[公開聲明] 大成台灣律師事務所林天財律師代當事人林柏澍先生聲明如下: 茲據當事人林柏澍先生委稱: 「我們很好,謝謝大家! 事到如今,我覺得我有義務向大家說明,我認為,當我另一半需要我時,我並不在她的身旁。我為我的另一半做得實在不夠多、也不夠好。 方先生與我的另一半本來就是很要好的朋友,說話時常開玩笑,有時用詞比較率性, 在整件事情上,我認為,除了方先生在一些言行上較為主動外,我的另一半並沒有做錯任何事情。 希望在這件事情過後,方先生可以不要再試著介入我們的感情,並且尊重自身的生活及身邊的朋友。 謝謝社會大眾對我們的關心,你們的支持,是我們走下去的最大力量。此事已進入司法程序,散布、轉載影片資訊者,恐將受到最高兩年以下有期徒刑;洩露他人個資者,亦恐將受到最高五年以下有期徒刑。 浪費這麼多媒體資源,我們於心不安。 謝謝新傳媒的幫助,也再次謝謝大家,我們很好。」 以上。 在此也提醒大家 意圖散布於眾,而指摘或傳述足以毀損他人名譽之事者,為誹謗罪,最高可處一年以下有期徒刑。 散布文字、圖畫犯前項之罪者,可處兩年以下有期徒刑。 希望此事件可以告一段落。 最後 謝謝Lawrence的諒解 謝謝大家對我們的關心

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Wong and Fang have since apologised for what happened. Wong said, “I am grateful to my boyfriend for his trust and I would like to apologise to everyone.”/TISG
