Dating can be quite an adventure, but dating when you live in a different country can be a totally different ball game.

A woman goes by Candilicious on TikTok, who has been gaining in popularity for her posts about life in Singapore, at times talks about the dating scene and what it’s like as an expat woman in this context.

In a recent video that went viral, she talked about having met an expat guy who rates himself a 9 in Singapore, but a 7.5 at home. Moreover, he only wants to date women from Singapore or other Southeast Asian countries. She then warned SG women, saying, “You can do so much better.”


The maths just doesn’t quite add up #singaporelife #expatlife #datingsg

♬ original sound – Candilicious

She said he had gone out on a Friday night and met a new guy who is also an expat.

They talked about what it’s like being an expat male in Singapore.

“And what was his answer? He exclusively dates Singaporean or other Southeast Asian nationalities.”

She added, “There’s something about expat men in Singapore where they just…” before breaking off, appearing to be at a loss for words to describe the man.

But Candilicious went on to say “Back home he rates himself a 7.5 and in Singapore, he rates himself a 9,” which she found laughable.

“I don’t know what you Singaporean ladies are doing, but you can do so much better.”

Commenters tended to agree with her, with one writing “Angmoh dua kee” or AMDK for short, roughly translates to “White people big shot.”

“It refers to perceived Western superiority, and alleges that Singaporeans get criticised for seemingly banal things that Caucasians conversely attract praise for,” Rice Media wrote in 2017.

In the same vein, “He thinks he main lead in miss saigon,” wrote another.

Other remarks were even less generous.

Another wrote that Candilicious “should date a Singaporean man.”


How fetishizing Asian women is oppressive to them

See also  Singaporean slammed on condo forum for shaming "expat woman"