Singapore A woman who would rate herself “decent-looking” and has had several exes who look “pretty good” has a change of heart once she meets a “nerdy-looking” colleague.

The 27-year-old woman said that when she first met her company’s new hire, a 28-year-old guy, “My first impression towards him based on his appearances weren’t very good”.

In a Facebook post on the anonymous confessions platform NUSWhispers, she added that she would often try her “best to avoid him around work (I felt so guilty right now about that) but because of work-related issues, I can’t avoid him completely”. There were often times when she had to teach him.

Through sheer coincidence, she realized that the guy would on a daily basis buy an elderly woman selling tissues a hot drink and purchase her tissues.

“He would even tell the aunty he will be back later after work to see her. I was astonished”, the woman wrote.

She added that when the guy also was reprimanded at work for something that she incorrectly taught him, “he just kept quiet throughout the entire lecture” without blaming her.

“When he came out, I hurriedly went over to apologise and all he said was, ‘it’s okay’ and gave me a wide smile. That was one of the brightest and genuine smile I have seen in my entire life”, she wrote.

The woman confessed that even though “his appearances (sic) is entirely not my type”, she developed feelings for him and wanted to make them known to him.

Asking netizens for advice on how to subtly tell him, she said: “I don’t think he has much confidence in himself and would definitely not be the one to initiate or confess”.