Singaporean David Reddy on 24 Sept, launched a video entitled “Straight Families Speak Up” aims to give voice to straight Singaporeans from various backgrounds who feel strongly for an inclusive Singapore.

Reddy said that he was inspired into action after hearing a multitude of comments and commentary from colleagues, friends and relatives, and decided to make a call out for straight families to speak out on film about their views on the possibility of an inclusive Singapore. What surprised him was the overwhelming response; and with a very short period of time and limited resources he managed to film a total of 7 families.

“This happened when I received an overwhelming response to a call for straight families to speak up for an inclusive nation,” said David. “I am not a filmmaker. And this is shot in one day, with limited resources. I called up a close friend, Jared Tan and we pulled together a group of Singaporean friends who cared about the matter of inclusivity deeply. This is in line with what I believe in which is a discussion. And is done in full respect of all races and religions. We must also allow for religious freedom. At the same time I believe that the law must be equal for all. And social harmony maintained.”

Among the families featured in the video is thespian Pam Oei and her husband, writer-director Ken Kwek, who said, “The LGBT community are a contributing part of our society and they deserve to be treated the same way as any other Singaporean. We want our children top grow up without the discrimination we grew up with.”

David Reddy emphasised that he is not affiliated with any organization and is firmly intent on keeping this a grassroots initiative pulled together by individual everyday Singaporeans.