President Donald Trump faulted the media as the biggest obstacle to his administration on Thursday. Speaking to his supporter at an Indiana campaign rally Trump faulted the media for refusing to cover the many failings and scandals of the Democrats. And by doing so, he claimed tat they had become the “fake news allies” of the Democrats.

“We have stories that if that was about a Republican or a conservative, it’d be front page of every newspaper,” he said. “And we have them and they just don’t want to write them. It’s a dishonest group of people, I will tell you that.”

Trump claimed his presidency was good news for the media companies.

“The failing New York Times, which, by the way, if I wasn’t here, they would be out of business, the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN,” he said.

Trump admitted that not all media was bad, but said that 85 percent were “just dishonest, terrible people.” He said he would continue calling out their bias but joked that he almost felt sorry for them.

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“You know, it’s not that easy for them, either. It’s tough to have a network where you’re calling them fake news and they’re supposed to be proud,” Trump said. “That just shows when you get good ratings, you can say anything. Right? That’s what happens.”