The Facebook page Kuanyewism shared a video of an elderly Peeping Tom in action. The old man was caught walking close to the escalator at Bugis+ repeatedly, especially when women wearing short skirts were on it. The video shared on Jul 13 has gone viral with over 2500 shares.
The page credited the video clip to a Mr Wu, and he recounted:
“Me and Wifey were waiting to catch ‘Cold War II’ at Film Garde Bugis+ today afternoon, and this elderly ti-ko pek in red t-shirt caught our attention while we were riding down the escalator. 6th sense told us that something dirty’s up his sleeves…so we tailed him for awhile.
“He would walk up close to the escalator if he spots females clad in revealing short skirt. If those were shorts, he would turn away.
“We intended to report him to the Management or Police, but as he did not use his phone to perform recording acts, we reckon that he will be let off after verbal warning even if SPF steps in.”
Mr Wu decided to confront the old man after filming the video ‘evidence’ and spoke to him in “Hokkien, telling him that his acts were recorded and shall report him to SPF.”
He said the pervert responded ot him in Hokkien while walking away saying, “‘kuah nia bo sa la! bo li eh tai ji’ (English: See only mah nothing wrong! mind your own business!)”
Mr Wu added: “As he disappeared into the crowd, we proceeded to catch our show. Although I pity him, I still feel that such acts are not to be tolerated. Just wanna say to all shoppers that no matter where, do pay attention to people around you, there may be perverts like him following you.”