A commuter was touched to find that the driver of bus 59 distributes bread to construction workers along his usual route. The commuter, Facebook user Jonathan Jabez Lee-Rappa, wrote:

“So I’m on the Bus 59 to work and after the doors close the bus uncle doesn’t drive off. He inches forward a little and stops there for a good 5 seconds. Suddenly the door opens and he takes out this packet of bread and flings it to a bunch of construction workers laying cables. He closes the door and drives off – business as usual.”

Recalling that he was baffled by the driver’s act, Jonathan approached the elderly driver and asked if he knew the workers who appeared to be in their thirties. Sharing that he does not know the workers personally, the driver revealed that he used to be a construction worker himself in the past.

Jonathan wrote: “Uncle says that he started out his career as a construction worker in his early 20s. While working there, his then supervisor who has now moved back to India told him, “You’re so young, why are you working this – you can go and learn another trade skill, earn more money.” He said that he never forgot that advice and went to pick up more skills.

“He continued that now while he drives, he always carries some extra bread to give construction workers he sees toiling in the sun. He said, “I was there, I know what it’s like to not earn much. Back then, buying a can of coke or even some bread is a luxury.””

Sharing that the bus driver advised him that he “must never forget where you come from ok?” Jonathan expressed his gratefulness to the driver. He wrote: “Thank you uncle for the solid lesson. Bus 59, license # SG 3017X and all of us are lucky to have you!”

Read his post in full here:

TLDR: Never forget where you came from.So I’m on the Bus 59 to work and after the doors close the bus uncle doesn’t…

Posted by Jonathan Jabez Lee-Rappa on Friday, 14 June 2019