According to a blog which is dedicated to City Harvest Church (CHC) trials, a fresh set of reports have allegedly been filed in the Commercial Affairs Department against leaders of the City Harvest Church. If true, this is the second set of reports to be filed with CAD after one of the church’s ex-leader Chew Eng Han filed a similar one 2 weeks ago.
The blog reported: “On July 29 2016, 1 more couple lodged a police report with the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) against some people for conspiracy to cheat and for misuse of church funds from City Harvest Church (“CHC”). Now there are 4 spirit-filled believers that have reported to the CAD. In my opinion, they are not bitter. They lean on God and definitely know what they are doing.”
Mr Chew is sentenced to six years’ jail for his role in a conspiracy with intent to cause wrongful loss to CHC and to defraud auditors. City Harvest Church’s senior pastor Kong Hee and others from his church were also found guilty and are appealing the sentence.
The blog further went on to say that several people have said that Mr Chew is bitter for going after the leaders of the church in the manner that he has. It claimed that he was not and said: “please ask God why there are 3 more people (excluding Eng Han) that came forward to report a criminal case. Why have some of the CHC Ex-Board members left the church?”