By: Ben Matchap

We minority race peeps don’t need a president from the minority race to represent us. What we need is to have a more serious discussion about race and privilege in Singapore. We need schools and work places to teach people about privilege and how being Chinese in Singapore means that you will have a different experience in life.

It means that more often than not you will not be the only Chinese person in the room. It means you will not have to worry about job ads saying Chinese preferred . It means you will not have to feel like shit when you try to rent a room and see “No indian” plastered all over the rental websites.

It means you won’t have to feel like sh*t when people say “you actually look quite good for a (insert minority race here)”. It means you won’t have to deal with people calling you ‘appunehneh’, or joking about it and having to keep quiet because you are in a room full of idiots.

It means never having to feel like sh*t when you call out racism and people try to victim blame you. It means that you will never have to wonder why you don’t see a single advertisement with a person of your skin colour in the whole shopping mall.

It means never having to worry about not making the cut for an audition because you are too dark-skinned. It means you will never have to put up with people saying we have racial harmony in Singapore just because they have never experienced racism.
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