There have been many people affected by the Covid-19 situation, with some being hospitalised, losing income due to Stay-Home Notices (SHN) or Quarantine Orders (QO). Under the National Council of Social Service, a scheme called The Courage Fund Relief is offering assistance to affected parties.

The Courage Fund was started in 2003 when Singapore was hit by the SARS outbreak. Through the compassionate hearts of many Singaporeans and companies, the fund has raised a substantial amount to help those who succumb to the virus and healthcare and frontline workers who contract the virus in the line of duty.

There are four schemes under this fund.

Scheme 1: For dependents of individuals who have succumbed to Covid-19

Eligibility: Individuals (Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, holders of a valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Dependent’s Pass or Long-Term Social Visit Pass) who have contracted and eventually succumb to Covid-19.

Details of Relief Provided:

(i) S$30,000 for families of Healthcare workers.

(ii) S$20,000 for families of frontline workers and community volunteers.

(iii) S$10,000 for families of other persons who have succumbed to the virus.

Dependents of healthcare and frontline workers and community volunteers are also eligible for the Education Grant. This grant covers educational and living expenses in Singapore up to tertiary level. Those who are eligible will be contacted to apply for this educational grant.

The lump sum relief amount shall net off the amounts disbursed under schemes 2 and 3, should grants have already been received under those schemes.

How to submit information required: More information is available at the hospitals.
For any further assistance, please contact the Courage Fund Secretariat at

Scheme 2: For Healthcare workers who have contracted Covid-19 in the line of duty

Eligibility: Healthcare workers(Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, holders of a valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Social Visit Pass) who have contracted COVID-19 while providing services which would reasonably bring them in contact with confirmed and/or suspected COVID-19 patients, and/or environments which held COVID-19 patients

Details of Relief Provided:


How to submit information required:

  1. Download ‘The Courage Fund COVID-19 Relief Scheme for Healthcare Workers’ document
  2. Go to the online form
  3. Fill up the online form and upload the completed ‘The Courage Fund COVID-19 Relief Scheme for Healthcare Workers’ document

Information required during submission:

  1. Details of nominee
  2. Bank Account number for crediting purpose

Scheme 3: For frontline workers and community volunteers who have contracted Covid-19 in the line of duty

Eligible: Individuals(Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents, holders of a valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Dependant’s Pass or Long-Term Social Visit Pass) who have contracted Covid-19 while providing services which would reasonably bring them in contact with confirmed and/or suspected Covid-19 patients, and/or environments which held Covid-19 patients

Details of Relief Provided:


How to submit information required:

For nominations –
  1. Download ‘The Courage Fund COVID-19 Relief Scheme for Frontline Workers and Community Volunteers’ document
  2. Go to the online form
  3. Fill up the online form and upload the completed’The Courage Fund COVID-19 Relief Scheme for Frontline Workers and Community Volunteers document

For Individual Applicant –

  1. Go to the online form

Information required during submission:

  1. Details of Nominee
  2. Bank Account number for crediting purpose
  3. Letter of endorsement from organisation for individual applicant
  4. Proof of hospitalisation due to Covid-19

Scheme 4: For affected households (Singaporeans or Permanent Residents) due to individuals contracting Covid-19 or serving QOs, SHNs or mandatory Leave of Absence (LOA)


(i) Household has at least one member who contracted Covid-19 or was placed on a QO/SHN/LOA during the period of heightened infectious disease risk;

(ii) Household with monthly income of ≤$3900 or a monthly per capita income of ≤$1,350 prior to being affected by Covid-19; and

(iii) Household experienced complete or partial (at least 10%) loss of income as a result of (i)

Details of Relief Provided:

(i) $1,000 if the household income* is ≤$650 per capita

(ii) $750 if the household income* is between $651 and $1,350 per capita

(iii) $500 if the household income* is >$1,350 per capita

* Refers to the household income post-QO/LOA/SHN/hospitalisation for Covid-19

How to submit information required:

From 6 April 2020, eligible persons may approach their nearest Social Service Office (SSO) to submit their details. You can find your nearest SSO via this link.

Information required during submission:

  1. NRIC
  2. Documents indicating
    • that you or your household member(s) were placed on a QO/LOA/SHN, or contracted Covid-19;
    • that your household experienced a loss of income as a result of Covid-19 (e.g. payslips before and after the QO/LOA/SHN or hospitalisation from contracting Covid-19); and

3. Copy of your bank book/statement/slip to facilitate the crediting of the grant into your bank account

Successful recipients of the fund will be notified after submissions are verified and evaluated.

Details of the various relief schemes can be found here. You can also contact The Courage Fund Secretariat for more queries at